Ocean City Dog Playground
The Ocean City Dog Playground is a fully-fenced area designed to give dogs a safe space to run and enjoy the outdoors in Ocean City! The Dog playground is the only permitted area to let your dog off-leash within the town limits.

- Open Dog Area
- Small Dog Area
- Double Fence Entry
- Pavilion
- Dog Agility Obstacles
- Yard Hydrants
- Benches for Humans
- Pet Waste Disposal Stations
- Doggie Pool
Please note, the doggie pool is for dog play only. Shampooing/grooming is not permitted. Humans are not permitted in the pool. Pool should be drained after each use.
A Dog Playground Registration Application Form must be submitted in-person at Northside Park, 200 125th St., Ocean City, MD 21842, in order to obtain the physical pass needed to gain access to the park. Applications are available at the Main Office or for download here.
Dog Playground Rates
- 1-Day Pass $10.00
- 1-Day Passes can be returned to the white dropbox at Northside Park for a $5.00 refund.
- 3-Day Pass $20.00
- 7-Day Pass $25.00
- Annual (Resident) $50.00
- Annual (Non-Resident) $100.00
All Dog Playground Passes can be renewed over the phone as long as all vaccinations are up to date – please call 410-250-0125 to renew.

Dog Bite or Dispute: Ocean City Communications 410-723-6600
In the event of a dog bite or dispute, contact Ocean City Communications at the number listed above. Parties involved must wait for an officer to respond, except in the case where immediate medical care is needed.
The Town shall not assume any liability for any injuries to persons and animals utilizing the Dog Playground, site amenities, and/or immediate surrounding areas. Dog owners assume all liability for damages suffered by anyone who is bitten or injured by that owners’ dog(s) while utilizing the Dog Playground.
Registration or Park Information: Ocean City Recreation and Parks 410-250-0125
Gate malfunctions or maintenance concerns: Ocean City Parks 410-520-5403
Ocean City's Guide for
Pet-Friendly Vacations
Your guide to accommodations, dining, and pet fun around town.